Congratulations to LDM’s commercial and appellate litigators Brian Brislen, Adam Feeney, Dan Chesire and Cathy Trent-Vilim for obtaining an affirmance of a $1.2 M judgment for LDM’s client.  Nebraska Supreme Court announced the ruling on June 7, 2019.  In addition to the $1.2 M judgment, the trial court awarded prejudgment interest of approximately $900,000.

In a 38 page opinion, on an issue of first impression, the Supreme Court adopted LDM’s argument that unsettled and competing Nebraska case law interpreting certain Nebraska statutes should be clarified to allow the prejudgment interest of an unliquidated claim.  While the Court recalculated the amount of interest from the date the complaint was filed, it otherwise affirmed the award in full.  Ms. Trent-Vilim has authored a blog more fully describing these important transformational issues.  This article can be found at